2021: We’ve Built the Digital Human Cardiac Coach

Digital Human Cardiac Coach talking to Allan Johnson, DHCC Co-creator and Patient #1

Hi Coach!

This is a real life conversation a cardiac patient has before going home from hospital - they are afraid and don’t know what to do. They forget and have no one to talk to. This is our story.

The Digital Human Cardiac Coach has been co-designed from our 14 years of lived experience and built entirely by us.

This real life conversation is part of the patient journey of modules of conversation topics, co-designed to reduce the impact of health illiteracy and support the patient in their connection with their healthcare team.

The transcript of this conversation can provide valuable advanced planning information to discharge staff.

The corpus content and "Co-Design for AI"© methodology for the digital human was our own IP as published for free on GitHub

The digital human was hosted by Trulience using their free trial licence. We built the Agent in Google Dialogflow using their free ES license and their ES Console. We created the Agent on the Google Dialogflow US server so that we could use the beta Knowledge Base functionality. This enabled us to upload our existing intents and responses via a csv file. 

Trulience provide simple and clear instructions in their documentation on how to integrate a Google Dialogflow Agent with Trulience. This involved creating a Google Cloud Platform Service Account and JSON key from our Agent. This only took a few minutes and it worked first time. We used the base Trulience expression mark up as provided. 

The interaction between Allan Johnson and Coach was recorded on a MacBook Pro with Trulience running in Google Chrome.

Stay tuned for more!


2021: Digital Human Cardiac Coach “Meds” Conversation
